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Blog Post Navigating your Career in Uncertain Times

Navigating your Career in Uncertain Times



Navigating your Career in Uncertain Times

Tell me, how proactive are you in managing your career on a regular basis? In today’s workplace, this is essential! Long gone are the days when you could count on moving up the corporate ladder based on your contributions and hard work.

Here are a few key points to keep in mind as you navigate your course.

  • Be CEO of your career. Evaluate and plan your career so that you can take advantage of opportunities. Be a life-long learner. Get a mentor and build your skills and accomplishments.
  • Networking Continuously. Develop and nurture your network. It is a proven fact that a majority of jobs are obtained through networking. Networks also provide information and support.
  • Personal Branding. Know your brand and actively manage and promote it.
  • Resiliency! Cultivate an inner strength and a belief in yourself despite the obstacles. Being able to bounce back from challenges is critical.
  • Never Retire Your Resume. Keep it current highlighting your skills and accomplishments. Remember to target the resume to the position to, which you are applying.